On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 01:33:14 -0500
David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Trimmed somewhat ....

Take a look at /etc/security/limits.conf

As I recall there is a parameter in there with has something to do
with the problem you describe.

Mind you this is from the land which holds the Americas Cup - STILL!!!



> With that said, on to current problems........ 
> I recently, against my better judgement and on advice given from someone
> on this list, performed an OS upgrade to fix a boot problem caused by
> altering my partition table.  The problem is now fixed.  I can boot
> without the boot disk now.  BUT, this caused more problems:  
> 1- I cannot "su".  error reads:   "su: cannot set groups: Operation not
> permitted" 
> 2- I cannot mount or umount as user. ( I could before ) 
> 3- I cannot run a program as root. error reads:  GET THIS  "Incorrect
> password! Please try again." 
> 4- I cannot log in as root on CLI, only in GUI - this makes ABSOLUTLY NO
> sense to me whatsoever 
> I have no idea how to fix any of these.  Any help would be most appreciated.  
> David 
> Bainbridge, GA 

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