For what it's worth, I ran a 1GHz during summer and got lots of heating.
Picked up a plastic molded muffler thing with fan attached to it called
2coolPC. Blows air directly onto the motherboard and processor. I placed
right by the front intake fan which took the cooler air from outside of the
case when blowing to the motherboard.

"The IBM PC was created by people who drank alcohol. The Mac was created by
people who smoked pot."

----- Original Message -----
From: "FemmeFatale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Willing to run Dragon Plus MB

> And FWIW, get a SERVER Case or a RACK if you plan to use more than one
> server in a configuration (like a rendering farm for movie/animation
> stuff).
> Cooling isn't a big issue if you do some small research.  If you go
> AMD's route, their website has a special section devoted to cooling &
> the heatsinks/methods they recommend.
> Intel has no such section on their site.  If you really want info, post
> again & I'll dig up a URL for the Intel folks.
> Femme
> "FLYNN, Steve" wrote:
> >
> > Providing the fans hold up, then yes. Ensure you route cabling
> > Don't use massively high-spin speed hard drives - they run a lot hotter
> > slower stuff. Be sensible about the configuration of the machine...
> >
> > 24*7*365 isn't a problem. The important thing is the load on the box.
> > Remeber, the machine will run cooler with a light load on it than it
will if
> > you are running Dnet or SETI@home on it all the time.
> >
> > I assume the machine is to be used as a server - and as such will be
> > stres at times. Would you say this was the case?
> >
> >


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