On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 15:33, FemmeFatale wrote:
> I know theres a thread on this already but... and I'm not sure if I
> asked this, so bear with me.
> I've recently attempted to "Upgrade" all my sys apps on LM8.0. 
> *Sigh*  Needless to say things are a mess.
> Is there a way to avoid this somehow?  And I don't like Ximian Gnome, so
> I don't know if redcarpet can work without that program.
> *Has had enough Gnome problems thx for now*
> Oh & it has to be "user-stupid" ;)
> Femme

I anologize this to the days when I used to attempt glibc upgrades so I
could get the latest slick gui app working.  Evidently it's just plain
problematic to try stuff like this; even today.

I've come to believe that these unsuccessful attempts just spotlight the
importance of the hard work that goes into a complete Mandrake
distribution.  After some bad experiences with glibc upgrades under
Redhat 5.2 (and subsequent distros, too; I'm hard headed), I adopted the
practice of two main methods:

1) Save the current configuration/data and fix it so that it is easily
integratable into a clean install.  This paves the way for either the
next stable distro, or a beta distro.

2) Spot upgrade of individual applications, sometimes forcing minimal
breakage of existing dependencies.  This is most often non-fatal, if
you're lucky.

Case in point:  Evolution email client.  The version of this app shipped
with LM81 was something like 0.13.  Yahoo recently forced all it's users
to SMTP password authentication; Kmail does not support that. 
Therefore, I had to change email clients.  Evolution was my choice after
some web evaluation, however I did'nt want to go to 0.13, it was too
lacking.  I found Evolution version 1.02 in a 586 MDK package, but it
was in the Cooker collection.  After attempting install of
evolution-1.0.2-4mdk.i586.rpm, I found that it required the installation
of the following packages:


Since I was desperate, I decided to go through with it.  One of these
packages ( I think it was GConf) would not install without breaking some
dependencies to the version of GConf installed with LM81.  I forced the
issue, and fortunately everything is still working flawlessly.

Now this is just one application.  Dependencies are a complicated thing
when you are taking into account a large number of applications.  This
is why the Mandrake people are so important; they work the bugs out of
these dependency problems in the next stable distribution.  No small
task.  That's just one reason why I made a point to subscribe to the
Mandrake club.

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