On Wednesday 20 March 2002 10:45 pm, Damian wrote:
> El mié, 20-03-2002 a las 16:37, Pena Family escribió:
> > I am interested in eroaster or similiar. Can you tell me what CD
> > burner your using under this built? It shouldn't make a
> > difference, but I am curious just in case there is another
> > hardware specific issue involved.

  IMO, the best :)
       'PLEXTOR ' 'CD-R   PX-W8432T' '1.09' Removable CD-ROM
It's old, but I've flashed it to the latest firmware updates (ie, 
1.09) as they became available.

> well, please someone correct me if i'm wrong, but all of these
> "burning tools" ... aren't all of them -including eroaster-
> GUI interfaces for cdrtools command-line burning program?
> i think eroaster detects hardware by "cdrecord --scanbus" command,
> just like all others, so there should be no problem with it.
> Damian

     Well, gcombust is reliable, but many of the options and 
configuration items are beyond my understanding, even with it's 'tool 
tip' explainations ;) Fortunately the defaults work for everything 
but bootable ISO burns. It also auto-detects the CD-RW, but get's it 
wrong with every version I've tried. Simple enough to change tho.
Many other GUI's fail to detect my CD-RW, or error out when I try to 
use them. I suspect this might be a devfs issue, but usin 
'devfs=nomount' isn't any better.  I don't fool with 'em past that, I 
just go to a GUI that does work.

     My previous problem with eroaster was that it wouldn't add some 
files to the burn list, complaining wrongly that they didn't exist. 
When I did mange to get them added, then the burn wouldn't start. 
Whatever Texstar fixed (he didn't say), resolved the problem.
Cooker's eroaster-2.0.12-2mdk from the src.rpm had the problems, 
Tex's eroaster-2.0.12-3mdk.i686 works fine.  It could well be just an 
Eroaster <> ML8.2 problem, and not an issue with 8.1 or older.

      I used to really like Koncd, 'cause like Eroaster it's simple 
and intuitive to use.  But for some time now it's also had problems 
adding files, erroring out.  So yes, while all the GUI's are just 
frontends for cdrecord and mkisofs, they're not all created equal ;)
And then it's just me, I prefer to copy CD's or burn ISO's from the 
CL, but I like usin a GUI for data and audio CD's, the simpler the 
better.  Eroaster fits the bill.   YMMV  ;)
    Tom Brinkman                       Corpus Christi, Texas

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