well i finally got 8.2, mostly cause my brother in-law got it onto the 
university server and gave me access.  talk about slashdot effect..... 

to test the current "it can't be installed" spam from a certain party that 
has appeared lately on the mandrake newbies mailing list,  i had my wife 
install it on a slave drive on her win2k machine.  she couldn't do it.  
turns out she didn't know our dns address.  i told her and she had no other 
problems creating a dual boot machine.  she must be a geek.  ;-)

after using it for the past couple of days to write docs, play music, surf 
and read email, along with a short cd-burning side trip, her comments on it?

"well it certainly is faster the 2000 and nothing has crashed yet!"

i don't have the heart to tell her she 1) hasn't enough RAM to run at a 
"real" speed 2) she is using the memory munching KDE with all the eye candy 
turned on (she turned it on, but does she know how much of a hit that 
takes?) and 3) she is running setiathome in the background.  that can't 

"The linux philosophy is laugh in the face of danger. Oops. Wrong one. 'Do 
it yourself.' That's it."  -L. Torvalds

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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