Hanan Shargi wrote:
> As for those who are charged for their connection by the BITs and BYTES,,,
> uummmmm ,,, perhaps  its time for them to switch ISP's ???

As someone else has mentioned, people in foreign countries don't
necessarily have any option available that allows "free" unlimited
download from the Internet.  See
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Wikilearn/MeteredInternetAccess for some
examples of the costs involved in a few situations.  (I welcome
additions to this list -- it may help we Americans remember that not
everybody has the same advantages that we take for granted.  Since it is
a wiki, you can edit and add pages yourself.  Don't worry too much about
format -- a wiki is a collaborative environment, and most likely someone
will be around to fix the format if appropriate.))

Randy Kramer

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