On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 19:41:19 -0500
Gerald Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday 28 March 2002 06:32 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> >> With the KDE application to dial to my ISP I sometimes get this with
> > "show log" checked:
> >
> > ATZ
> > OK
> > ATM0L0
> > OK
> > ATDT8893049
> its timing out.
> If you just dial your ISP how long before you get a modem tone?

Thanks. I tried tree times today (the last one while compiling this message)
and got a modem response almost immediatedly. I only have this problem once 
in a while and the second (sometimes the third) time it works. I will make 
sure I get modem sounds 'unmuted' to make sure my ISP is to blame :) It's no
big problem, OTOH when my ISP doen't 'answer the phone' I don't get charged
by the phone company while I have to pay a fixed amount for the phone just
'being answered' (plus of course charges per second plus a montly fee) :(

    -Frans (getting a modem tone immediately and a connection now that I can
            hear the modem ;) )

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