I loaded gdict (I would assume that this would work with kdict as well), which
is set to use the server dict.org on port 2628. I then entered the word
"defenestration" (without the quotes). Here's what I got:

defenestration n.       mythically from a traditional Czech
assasination method, via SF fandom 1. Proper karmic retribution
for an incorrigible punster.  "Oh, ghod, that was _awful_!"  "Quick!
Defenestrate him!"  2. The act of exiting a window system in order to
get better response time from a full-screen program.  This comes from
the dictionary meaning of `defenestrate', which is to throw something out
a window.  3. The act of discarding something under the assumption that
it will improve matters.  "I don't have any disk space left."  "Well,
why don't you defenestrate that 100 megs worth of old core dumps?"
4. Under a GUI, the act of dragging something out of a window (onto
the screen). "Next, defenestrate the MugWump icon."  5. The act of
completely removing Micro$oft Windows from a PC in favor of a better OS
(typically Linux).

Can anyone verify this?

Sridhar Dhanapalan

                Jennifer Lopez = "JLo" (pron: "Jay-Low").
                Bill Gates = "BGa" (pron: "Be-Gay").

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