On Sunday 07 April 2002 06:17 pm, Charlie wrote:
> Maxtor wants WHAT?!? I have an old (November '99) Maxtor 13 GB in this
> box and a new Maxtor 60 GB (HDMAATA6006 7200RPM UDMA 133) that I added last
> weekend when I 'updated' to MDK 8.2 from 8.1. The 60 is primary slave
> (laziness was the prime factor :-)), the BIOS needed to be flashed in order
> to have it recognize the new drive during POST even though Mandrake saw and
> used it. I don't have Windows at all but that should make no difference in
> any case.

Man, don't know why I can't get mine to work.  I only have an ata 100 mobo, 
but the bios recognized it, but no linux could get past the partition probe 
to install.  I put it on a controller card and still no joy.

What kind of mobo are you using?  

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