On Monday 29 April 2002 01:32, Hanan Shargi wrote:
> Hi,
> Hi All,
> On my machine that dual boots Linux 8.1 and Win89 ( which I have no CD
> burner on )
> I need to do the following:
> 1- tar and zip my /home folder and save it on the D: partition ( a win
> fat32 partition )
> 2- I'll split the partition I have linux on right now into two partitions:
> / and /home
> 3- I'll do a fresh install
> 4- then I want to restore the /home I just saved on the win partition to
> the new /home I just created.
> I need somebody to tell me what are the commands I need to run for the
> taring and zipping, and then untarring and unzipping into the new /home
> directory :)
> ( in details please, but not with the regular: do a "command -x option"
> without the quots thing )

I don't know what you mean by that, but here goes ....

cd /home
tar -cvf * home.tar # the -v option is not necessary, but I find it 
reassuring to see all those file names!
gzip home.tar #actually, you can do these as one command, I think, but I 
always prefer the long way
mv home.tar.gz /mnt/win_d # or whatever your D: drive is called

after install ...
mv /mnt/win_d/home.tar.gz /home
tar -zxvf home.tar.gz

Create a user for each home directory, then (as root, of course) for each 

chown -R fred /home/fred # or whoever
chgrp -R fred /home/fred

If you have a lot of users, it would be better to do this as a shell script

> And If everything went fine,will my mail that I saved in a folder under KDE
> be saved as well ? or no ?


Sir Robin

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