On Thursday 02 May 2002 07:21 pm, Nick Andriash offered this for 
> On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you wrote:
> > A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
> I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux using Mandrake 8.2 but am
> disheartened to see signatures such as yours. How typical of Linux Users...
> and almost enough to make me gag and want to wipe Linux off my Computer.
> Tell me something Shane... Why do you feel Windows Users are fools? I use
> Windows... am I a fool in your eyes? You don't even know me, so where do
> you get off labelling me as one... and putting something like that in your
> signature? No wonder Users are slow to try Linux, what with greetings like
> yours. I am amazed that the List Moderators haven't said anything to you.
Mr. Andriash;

I use windows too. To look out of, to allow fresh air in, to yell at the 
neighbor's dog to shut up at 3:00 AM. Other things as well......Speaking of 
'lighten up' time.

No matter how the parasites in the legal profession that are on retainer to a 
mega-corporation in Washington would like to convince the world otherwise 
that company does not own the word "Windows." The thing that astounds me (and 
a few other 'inhabitants' of this and other mailing lists I have no doubt) is 
the defensiveness of some people when an admittedly cheap shot is directed 
towards any/all things Microsoft.

The entire point of the Open Source movement is choice and freedom. Use what 
you like, please; but don't try to censor (or censure) the freely stated 
opinions of others that are of a helpful bent. Such as Shane. 

A signature that isn't attached to a message directed at yourself is no 
excuse to deride someone for expressing an opinion. You're welcome to ask 
questions and receive the benefits of the community I believe; but I'd be 
curious to know why you take offense at something that was intended as a 
jest. A sense of humour ; while not a prerequisite to utilizing Linux, is 
beneficial in many other endeavors and is of great value when dealing with 
"Personal Confusers."

Proudly Microsoft free for 26 months and counting,

Charlie in Edmonton, AB, Canada
Mandrake 8.2
user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
8:08pm up 1 day, 15:42, 2 users, load average: 1.00, 1.05, 1.14

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