Nick Andriash wrote:

>On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you wrote:
>>A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
>I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux using Mandrake 8.2 but am
>disheartened to see signatures such as yours. How typical of Linux Users...
>and almost enough to make me gag and want to wipe Linux off my Computer. 
>Tell me something Shane... Why do you feel Windows Users are fools? I use
>Windows... am I a fool in your eyes? You don't even know me, so where do
>you get off labelling me as one... and putting something like that in your
>signature? No wonder Users are slow to try Linux, what with greetings like
>yours. I am amazed that the List Moderators haven't said anything to you.

Well the list moderators are slow to say anything about anything. 
 Generally this list is prety free of flames.  

The signature implies to me that Microsoft is to blame for leading 
gullible people, but I never saw that the meaning "everyone who uses 
windows is gullible" could be read into it.  Certainly I did not since I 
still have to use Windows to test doftware for compatibility and 

If people felt they had a choice for most or all applications and 
persisted in using windows in the face of proven unreliability or 
laxness of security, then perhaps those windows users could be branded 
lazy or foolish, though I would never apply such labels.  Behavior might 
be logical, but t sure doesn't have to be consistent, not for anyone.

Well, there are plenty of proofs of lack of security, and plenty of 
evidences of lack of reliability, but whether someone is ready to switch 
is still a question based on acquired knowedge and skills, so the label 
doesn't fit.  By the time it does, Microsoft may have improved the 
product to the point that security issues and reliability are more at 
parity.  Linux _does_ require more skill for most operations, and some 
of that will _never_ vanish.  Logins, for example, are here to stay, and 
anyone who produces a linux that avoids them is not likely to succeed, 
because it is bypassing some of the things that simply make good 
engineering sense.

Now, with all of that said and with your frustration vented, I hope you 
will continue to explore the linux world and not worry too much about 
those with a misplaced sense of ethnic jokes,or who appear to have such 
a sense.  As I say, I never saw the implication you observed.

I have one from the days of Windows 95 that seems reasonable to share.

Windows, a 32 bit extension of a 16 bit operating system for what was 
designed as an eight-bit processor which four bits users from 
criticizing creator, a two-bit comapny that can't stand one bit of 

I hope that appears humorous to you, out of its obvious hyperbole.



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