The Register published an update to their earlier article. Read it at:
MS has backed down somewhat from their earlier position that the software and 
the hardware are absolutely inseparable. Now it's not a legal requirement, 
just beneficial.

Included in the article is a link to:
Read it, too -- it presents some very powerful arguments as to why the MS 
stance is both irrational and unreasonable.

My 2 cents on this whole deal: Just because it says something in the EULA 
doesn't mean it's legal. The problem is that MS has a lot of highly paid 
lawyers who get their marching orders from Uncle Bill. His agenda for 
domination is a matter of public record, and he has the resources to do 
whatever he thinks that it takes to achieve that end.

On a lighter note: In case you aren't familiar with The Register, this is a 
site that you should check out frequently. Be sure to look for the latest 
BOFH episode. (There's a new one every two weeks.) They're some of the 
funniest damn stuff anywhere on the web, but they do require some 
understanding of contemporary British English.

-- cmg

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