On Sat, 4 May 2002, Mark Lucas wrote:

> Thanks for the help.
> First, I don't use a firewall, I don't think I need it. I *can* login to
> Webmin etc quite happily remotely. The problem is that I can't log in
> locally or via SSH. SSH seems to validate OK but then fails to set up a
> consol session and SSH reports "connection closed".
> Second, I didn't install using RPM (don't really like rpm much), I
> downloaded and compiled the source.
> I've recompiled and re-installed SSH with no joy. The problem seems to be in
> the main authentication protocol in setting up a console session either
> remotely or locally.
>         Mark


What you'll likely have to do is uninstall the binary that you compiled.
Check the src_dir of the tarball that you downloaded for an uninstall
script. If one doesn't exist then find the binary itself and delete it.

The next thing you're going to have to do is install the original PAM
packages that came on your install disks. you should be able to do all
this remotely through Webmin as long as you can get the CD in the drive on
that machine that has the packages you need. That "should" set things up
the way they were before you started.

In the future when you are doing something of this import for the first
time I would strongly suggest first backing up all the associated config
and password files, and making any upgrades via rpm so that in such an
event you're able to uninstall via rpm as opposed to having to
trial-and-error your way through the process hunting everything down.
There's a reason rpms are the way they are and this is one of them. "it"
knows where all the associated files are kept and doesn't have any trouble
locating them for an uninstall.

I'm curious though...what was wrong with your default install of PAM on
your system that you compiled and installed a newer version?

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