I though I would take a look at what all the fuss was about and
decided to download OOo_1.0.0_linuxintel_install.tar.gz
which installed easily enough in my chosen directoy /usr/bin/001/

The only hitch during installation was some message about no Java and
Javascript found, which I took to mean it didn't know where to find 
them,and since there are a lot of folders and directories with java
in their title I chose not to provide info where it could find 
them,perhaps someone could suggest exactly which directory/folder I 
should tell it to go and look for.

Now of course I need to create a subsection in Kstart-Office and some 
symlinks to the apps, I believe i know how to do that, my problem is
I don't know where exactly the apps are , and indeed what they are 

So if any of you more accomplished OO1 users can point me at either 
the right java settlings, and / or , the apps location please do 
enlighten me.


John Richard Smith

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