Todd Slater wrote:

>On Sun, 05 May 2002 13:06:36 +0100
>Graham Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I've recently started checking out the lighter window managers - 
>>especially Blackbox and IceWM.  On the whole pretty impressive but I am 
>>having one or two difficulties that I hope someone out there will be 
>>able to help me with:
><snip don't know IceWM>
>>I've added items to the menu, using Menudrake, but they don't                 
>>come up in the Blackbox or IceWM menus.  Why should this be and       
>>can I do anything about it?
>In Blackbox, you have to edit the Menu file. This is located in
>~/.blackbox. It is very simple to edit, just looking at the file you will
>see what you need to do. If not, "man blackbox" will give more
>>How does one change the background for Blackbox?
>bsetroot or bsetbg. One or both of these should be on your system.
>bsetroot has a man page. The Blackbox man page has a good description of
>how to create themes, which also talks about backgrounds (like if you want
>a solid color, gradient, or pattern instead of an image).
>>That's probably enough to be going on with.  Please point me in the 
>>right direction if you can. I am using Mandrake 7.2.
>I hope what I'm telling you is the same for 7.2 as for 8.1!
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Well, editing the local menu file is a way to break compatibility.  The 
menu editor will make blackbox changes too, just look at the GUI screen 
it offers...

There you will see a checkbox for KDE or all or GNOME or all.  

Or look at the raw menufile entry--here are a couple of examples

?package(aumix): needs="x11" \
section="Multimedia/Sound" \
title="Aumix" \
longtitle="Audio Mixer" \
command="aumix" \

That file shows on all menus

?package(gnome-control-center): command="/usr/bin/gnomecc" 
icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/control-center.png" longtitle="The Gnome 
configuration tool" title="Gnome Control Center" needs=gnome 

The second one shows only on gnome.

The menu editor on 7.2 to use is menudrake, NOT KMenuEdit, where entries 
will vanish.  There are a couple of caveats.  7.1 used integrated 
desktop enus for the first time and had no editor so people had to make 
these menu files by hand.  7.2 had a menu editor called menudrake; 
however, it wasn't protected from user impatience.  When one did a save, 
in the lower left hand corner of the window it said (saving...)  And 
finally the message would change to indicate completion.  But no 
ShowBusyCursor was implemented to lock out a user's quitting early, with 
a result of corrupted menu files.

Now the menu editor also make changes either to local or to system. 
 local changes were kept in /home/username or /root if root was editing.

After running menu editor, it was a good idea to run, as root

update-menus -v

and hit the enter key after the last line of executing menu-methods.


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