The easiest mail server to set up (from my experience) is
smtp(postfix)/imap using some type of webmail ( is nice
and easy to install. Install ntsysv package from the 3rd mandrake cd or and xinted. From the command line type ntsysv and from the
menu select imap and postfix. I only had to make 2 changes to the postfix
configuration and everything was up and running... of course you will need
apache or some webserver installed to access webmail.

Brian Parish said:
> I need to set up a simple mail system using fetchmail, procmail and
> pop.  Fetchmail is fetching happily. I've installed imap.  I can see
> pop on my list of services under Control Center, but it's an xinetd
> service.  Where do I go to configure and start it?  I'll keep reading,
> but if anyone can give me a quick boot in the right direction...
> Brian

Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it. -
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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