On Friday 10 May 2002 04:28 am, Stojs wrote:
> Now is about time I learn how to install a tar ball.
> Could someone please give me detailed step by step instructions on
> how to install a tar ball. I need to know not only the steps I have
> to perform, but also why to take each step and what packages I need
> installed before starting. I use mandrake 8.2 download edition.

   Should answer all your questions:

  FWIW, usin KDE, I just r-click on tarballs and choose 'Archiver' 
from the drop down menu, click on 'Action' and then 'Extract. Lot 
easier than 'tar x?f' from the CL.  Konqueror will also open 
tarballs, just l-click on 'em.  I also suggest you use a standard 
directory for upacking tarballs to.  I use  /home/tom/src/.  Most 
tarballs when extracted will then create their own dir under /src.  
You can see what this dir is gonna be when you start Archiver.
    Tom Brinkman                    Corpus Christi, Texas

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