On Saturday 11 May 2002 11:59, D. Olson opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

> I am not going to battle it out with you guys over this stupid Red Hat
> issue.

it was never intended as a battle, at least not from my stand point?  i 
thought it odd.  it seemed a silly route to me.  i am sorry you see it as 
such a major affront

> Red Hat users hate Mandrake users, and Mandrake users hate Red Hat users.
> It's a brutal war.  Get over it. It is a freaking distro of Linux. Use
> what you want, and stop bitching about the other.

if indeed users of either distro hate the other, i had no idea.  i for one 
thought redhat made good tech but a poor distro.  i would think hate could 
be reserved for things that are actually wrong, like bigetry say.  my 

> Okay... Now, if Mandrake offered a discount for Red Hat or SuSE users,
> would you all flip out at Mandrake and scream "foul! foul!" or would you
> be all "Yay Mandrake! You beat up that mean guy in red!"

niether, nor am i crying foul now.  nor do i think they are the mean guy in 
red.  i questioned a buis. decision.  sorry to have stepped into your bad 

is there anyone who would like to address the actual (attempted) topic, 
"does redhat feel they are slipping away as a desktop offering?" or shall 
we just play taps and bury this?  :)

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