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Subject: [newbie] Downloader  / nt-2.0-1mdk.i586.rpm
Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 11:29:18 +0100
From: John Richard Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

NT downloader  -  3 CD download later

I like the dialogue windows in particular, they give better blow by
blow detail of what is actually happening.

NT can handle segmented downloads. It took me a while but I found the
facility to choose segmented downloads, I rarely do more than 2
segments, but it seems that there is the facility to do more if that
is your wish. The one feature about segmenting that I found less
appealing was the lack on information about which segment is
downloading from which URL sites. There is a dialogue to  give some
info but it is displayed in url number form , and I don't have a head
for remembering long numbers, getright would give you a cryptic
little note which includes a note of the localion as well as the
actual web address. NT does not appear to be able to split the 
segmented downloads to more than one website.

NT has a facility to create a list of Mirror sites on it's own.This
facility appears to use either something called archie.is.co.za ( a
real site ? ) or www.filesearch.ru  and I used it to go look for
these mirror sites for me, it found about 10 , which was not that
great , I know for a fact getright would of come up with about 18 or
more.Still a very useful feature. It does not seem to make best use
of the mirror site list and definately falls behind Getright in that 
respect. Getright will ping each mirror site form time to time and if 
it finds a much faster download site it will transfer the download 
there on the next sensible occassion(it can be adjusted) and NT seems 
to be mere a list of mirror sites that the user has to fiddle with  
to make use of .

There doesn't seem to be any limit on the number of active downloads.

Now that I have a spare partition set aside for the purpose , I found
that nt was quite happy to download my files directly to a directory
in that spare partition, which is a good thing because if you should
get locked out of your OS for whatever reason during a long download
then all is not lost and the partially downloaded file will be there
to resume upon OS reinstall.

One thing I cannot understand is why NT creates hidden files during 
the download , they all start with a dot and have to be unhidden to 
find them. Perhaps my NT  is not set up right.

nt also has the means to schedule your downloads .I don't use this
facility much, and I haven't tried if yet , but I should think it
works OK.


John Richard Smith
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