> I have the following entry in my crontab to run every morning:
>   05 03 * * * tar -czf /backup/`date +%a`_www_backup.tar.gz /www
> But it's apparently _not_ doing it. However
> * Crond is running.
> * Other entries in the crontab are being performed.
> * Running the command manually works fine:
>    tar -czf /backup/`date +%a`_www_backup.tar.gz /www
> What's the problem here?
> tia,
> Miark


I think I see the problem here. its the syntaz you're using to get the
date at the beginning of your arc file.

you're saying to the system: tar -czf /backup/`date
+%a`_www_backup.tar.gz /www

when you should be saying it like this:
                            tar -czf /backup/$(date
+%a)_www_backup.tar.gz /www

try that...that should do the trick for you.


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