On Sunday 19 May 2002 01:28 am, Jerry wrote:
> My clock here on the gnome panel (or the KDE panel... not sure
> about the other WM's, i didn't install them) just seems to set
> itself to whatever time it wants.  it was saying throughout the
> night:
> at around 4am:  it said about 10:30 pm
> at 5:06 am it was right on the money.
> it's now 6:27 and the clock says it's 22 after midnight.
> any ideas?  my motherboard clock is set to GMT and timezone set to
> america/boise (mountain time--the timezone i live in) so it should
> be just taking 6 hours off but it looks like it's random... or is
> the panel clock just buggy?  thx :)

      Could be your motherboard/chipset.  Search the mailing list 
archives (expert and newbie).  I believe there's discussion of this 
problem with the clock generator chip on some motherboards.

    Tom Brinkman                    Corpus Christi, Texas

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