>... and player? What player do you mean? There are probably about 15 
>different player for Linux for DivX films, and I can't seem to find any 
>reference to divxPlayer anywhere?
Sorry, I thought I had been clear on this but I guess not.  The player 
I'm speaking of is the "The Playa," referred to in filenames as 
divxPlayer.  You can find it on the official DivX website 
http://www.divx.com  This is also where I got the codec for Linux from.

>Sounds like the film you are trying to open is not in actual fact a DivX 
>film. I'm guessing that this is another file to the one you opened when 
>testing the "player"? If it is the same one, then my guess is that the 
>"player" is very buggy.
As far as the file goes, I did not open the player and the file in the 
same command.  When I tested it, I opened the player and then clicked 
the button to open a file, and chose the divx movie I wanted to view. 
 At that point it worked just fine.  When I went to actually WATCH a 
movie in it however, I opened the player, just like before, and was not 
able to click any buttons to open any movie, as it closed almost 
immediately after.  Frankly, I know how to tell the difference between 
file formats, and I know how to compile just fine, but I like the 
official DivX player from divx.com.  It ought to work, it HAS worked, 
and I know for a fact it works as one of my friends installed it on his 
Gentoo installation with no problems.  My question really concerns the 
error message.  I know the problem lies in there.

There are two files in /usr/local/bin, one is called, simply, 
divxPlayer.  The contents are as follows:


DIVX_SKIN_DIR=/usr/local/divxPlayer/Skins; export DIVX_SKIN_DIR

/usr/local/bin/divxPlayer.bin $@

I believe the problem may lie somewhere in this script file.  There is 
also a divxPlayer.bin in /usr/local/bin.  If anyone would like to see 
that I can send it but I don't want to mail an attachement to the whole 

Thanks for your help!

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