On Tuesday 21 May 2002 05:59 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
> On Wed, 22 May 2002 01:40, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> > On Monday 20 May 2002 02:11 pm, s wrote:
> > > You wouldn't know the exact video ram of a 128mb card or how I
> > > could find it, do you?  That's what I was looking around for
> > > when I discovered the harddrake hiccup.
> >
> >      128 * 1024  == 131072
> >
> >      If you can't get 3d accel support for the card yet, or even
> > if you can, you might try setting 'aperature' in bios to 4mb. 
> > That effectively disables sidebanding .... sometimes fixes some
> > problems.
> 128 * 1024 * 1024 = 134,217,728 Bytes exactly
> the above calculation supplied by Tom give KBytes
> Depends on what you want doesn't it.

     Nope, not really ;p    S was asking for XFree86 purposes, and it 
wants the ram size in MB * 1024.  The correct multiplier is a single 
1024 if the MB's are sort'a kind'a real in the first place ;)    
Mostly only HDD manufacturers think a MB equals 1 million bytes, or 
1000 KB.  Ram manufacturers tend to think it's 1024 KB.   Somethin to 
do with 2's compliments ;~>>

    For example, hardrake correctly sees my Gef2

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)"
    VendorName  "Unknown"
    BoardName   "Unknown"
    Driver      "nv"
    VideoRam    65536

 65536/1024 == 64MB   which is what the card's got.  Hopefully ;) 
    Tom Brinkman                    Corpus Christi, Texas

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