shane wrote:
> On Thursday 23 May 2002 11:55 am, Charlie opened a general hailing frequency
> and transmitted to all open stations:
> > Or are they just as dumb as they often appear? People are starting to
> > learn what FUD means through "mainstream media sources" now. This can't
> > bode well for the future of proprietary/closed source software; can it?
> i think we all look at recent events.  in the last little while, MS has been
> found guilty of abuse of a monopoly, is in court again with taiwan, and the
> EU, and has been convicted of piracy.  they lost their "lindows" suit, and
> their "most secure OS ever" has proven easy to hack.  they threatened
> audits for schools in oregon and iowa, and not only did the oregon schools
> stand firm till MS backed down, but according to one report (haven't
> confirmed this) 16 of the school districts in iowa dumped windows for a
> linux network.  peru, germany, china, and other countries are suddenly
> pushing _any_ OSS solution.  now the pentegon?
> it has been a rough year for MS.  i feel bad.  i might remove my anti-MS sig
> files.......
> and i might start using XP too.  if they hold a gun to my head.
> --
> Mr. Gates, in short, the reason I am not using your software is that I
> have upped my standards.  So up yours.
> shane

Sweety, check /. *Slashdot*.  Your "...16 of the school districts in
iowa dumped windows for a
> linux network." Comment is absolutely confirmed


Good Decisions You boss Made:

"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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