May 26, 2002 06:06 pm,Tim Ford wrote:
> Me, being the clueless newbie I am, forced a Mozilla 1.0rc3 install on
> LM 8.2. This stuffed many of my other programs, such as galeon, mozilla
> mail Is there revert my system back to 0.98 so the dependencies
> work fine, or uninstall mozilla without the entire GNOME system being
> uninstalled as well? If so, how do i go about it. Thanks
> To Brain Parish: I got the internet connection working properly. I
> uninstalled BPAlogin completely, unistalled my firestarter, rebooted as
> root, installed it, editied the config file too my specifications, then
> resinstalled firestarter with my correct specifications. Doing a log
> check revealed BPAlogin connecting properly every time, and the
> heartbeat was now being facilitated. So if theres any problems like
> mine, just completely uninstall and reinstall.
Did you get the package from or from Cooker? I ask 'cause I had 
release candidate 2 from Cooker on for a while and found it nice in some 
respects but buggier than the .9.8 that comes with MDK 8.2 in others. I just 
used the software manager to uninstall it and re-install .9.8 with no trouble.

I did, however, also install RC3 from (the installer download) 
and ran it for a while. It fixed a few of the things that bugged me about RC2 
but seems to have developed a few other bugs of it's own. I found the bugs 
that were obvious to me had already been reported so I just deleted the 
directory it was in and will wait for the full release. Again, no trouble 
since the second method (install from the tar file with the installer 
download from Mozilla) installs in it's own directory. Doesn't affect .9.8 at 
all. Any of the methods will stuff Galeon though because of unsatisfied 

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