daRcmaTTeR wrote:

> I've been loosely following this and I'm curious why you haven't tried 
> setting up a Mandrake box to do the gateway/firewall/file serving duties 
> for the other machines on your LAN. 

I started doing this - and still want to eventually - but ran into 
difficulties.  Specifically, first hardware - I found that my floppy 
drive on the old box could not be accessed.  I concluded that it was 
dead and bought a new one, but that couldn't be accessed either, so I 
presume it is a mobo fault.  I am to upgrade two computers this summer, 
so another mobo will be available then.

Secondly - a Cat5 cable running across a room, down a staircase, across 
the entrance hall and into this room is perilous, to say the least.  It 
won't be necessary when I've done, but I need to be in here while I'm 
setting it up.

Thirdly - I set up Mdk 8.1, and tried to set up mail and file serving, 
but this meant that I had to constantly change IP addresses so that the 
Win PCs looked to the Linux box, and back again when I had to leave it. 
  Not surprisingly, neither Linux nor Wins were happy with these 
frequent changes.

> It took about a month to get everything squared away, but once it was all 
> setup and working it was well worth the effort. I should mention that 
> there are many here now that helped me a lot to get things up and working. 
> couldn't have done it without them.

I have been reading here for a week or two now, and am impressed both by 
the quality of replies, even when we ask the most stupid questions, and 
the speed of response.  To be able to try again before losing heart is a 
great help.


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