Sorry for the delay replying Anne I was busy upgrading to KDE3.01 (its very 

> Ping - the situation is complicated, when Mdk is running.  Under W2K
> serving ping is OK and reasonable speed.  Under Mdk, however -
> From W98 m/cs - ping by number is fast and returns 1 ms round trip.
> Ping by name gives similar statistics, but there is a delay of 1 3/4
> minutes before anything appears on screen!
> From my m/c, ping by number is no problem.  Ping by name does not work at
> all - 'unknown host Andy'.
> Does this suggest anything?
> Anne

So your cabling/ethernet adapters are fine, but name lookup on the segment is 
really slow. This implies the Win98 machine is trying to resolve host names 
from lots of places before finally giving up and asking the linux box. The 
configuration advice Gerald gave you yesterday looks good. Adding the Linux 
machine to the Windows DNS list will enable it to resolve host names on the 
local segment.   Once it has learned the name it will persist until it 
eventually expires from the cache. In any case DNS name lookup is not used 
for Samba which will learn 'Netbios' names in response to a poll. (I think)

If 'Andy' is the Netbios name of the remote computer I do not think you can 
use that in a ping unless you configure nss_wins in the Linux machine as 
described in rangers comment to this post

But thats quite exotic. You do not need to install nss_wins in order to get 
Samba working.

Have you managed to access shares on the Windows computer yet using komba2 or 
konqueror as described in that link I sent you?


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