On Thursday 30 May 2002 10:32 pm, Franki did speak unto the huddled masses, 

> If it goes ahead as planned, it could hurt mandrake long term... (if they
> don't join)

on the other hand it is basically 1 distro with merit, 1 new comer without, 
and 2 that died and started stinking some time back.  also the way they are 
doing it seems anti GPL in someways.  unless it somehow catches on with 
companies who buy linux it will just fade away.  also they seem to be 
worried about servers mostly.  unless redhat joins (don't hold your breath, 
but they could) they have somewhere between little and no chance this will 
take hold.

> simple reason is that if all those companies are promoting the use of
> unitedlinux then not many of them will advocate the use of a non
> unitedlinux based distro..

will they?  i wonder.  all those companies support both linux _and_ MS.

> Then again, Mandrake is already lsb,, or close isn't it? so they dont
> have a huge amount of work to do to match it anyway..

if i recall mandrake is LSB but i question 3 of the 4 distro in UL.

> so really, they could just wait till the disto appears and change to
> support total compatability with it.. and advertise as such.. without
> "rubbing heads" with anyone..

likely the best plan.

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