June 1, 2002 09:27 am, darklord wrote:


> You're welcome, and thank you for taking a stab at explaining it to me. It
> still seems like someone is saying, "I have solid evidence that party x did
> break the law, but I can't submit it because it may show they are guilty"
> Or maybe I'm oversimplifing... ;-(
>  ;-)
Not over simplifying at all in my opinion. But what is one to do?

I tend to agree with you in this case. Microsoft was guilty before the 
Appeals Court stuck their oar in the water, and they're still guilty. But I 
said that two years and more ago, before I stopped using the copy of Windows 
98 SE that is still collecting dust here in a closet somewhere. 

>From the perspective of a regular consumer I hate the philosophy practiced by 
many corporations. "All the traffic will bear" is a risky business "model" (I 
hate that word) when consumers become educated well enough to vote their 
wallets. Making profits is fine, no problem with that for me. But to gouge 
the entire world and feel that XYZ corporation has a "Right" to make obscene 
profits just because they're the "only game in town;" or because they have 
inordinate leverage through market position is, in itself, an obscenity.

Thankfully; the people that develop open source software are happily building 
us a better mouse trap. If MS and their sycophants don't learn to jump out of 
the way the avalanche will bury them. Sooner rather than later. Meanwhile 
I'll be busily and happily installing, and helping to install, my favorite 
operating system for anyone that expresses an interest. To help that 
avalanche build momentum.

Can you say "grass roots movement?"

I knew ya could. :-)
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
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