ai4a wrote:

>Robin Turner wrote:
>>This'll teach me not to mess around with dangerous operating systems. I
>>installed Norton Utilities in my Windows partition, and it seems to have
>>rewritten my partition table so that my Linux partitions don't exist any
>>more.  Rescue mode in the CD won't work (I can get a command line, of
>>course, but can't restore LILO or mount any partitions) and that old
>>diagnositc favourite, "upgrade packages only" mode fails to find the
>>superblocks and gives me messages about "bad magic". Is there any way I
>>can recreate my old partition table, either from command line or from
>>Sir Robin the Morose
>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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>There is a program on Mandrake 8.2 cd1 in /sbin called rescuept. Boot
>from cd1, press f1, and follow instrucrtions. But before you do this go
>to and read the
>instructions. ther are not instructions on the resuce cd (that I could
>find). Good luck
Tried rescuept to no avail.  Eventually I got so fed up I decided to do 
a clean reinstall.  My partition table was so badly mangled I had to 
remove my Windows partition even to do that.  Fortunately (a) I'd backed 
up a lot of data to my Win partition not so long ago and (b) I'd set up 
my office box with FTP, so I just needed to download an FTP client for 
Windows, then upload my stuff.  Things are now back to normal, except 
that I have no Windows yet, which I can live with, as I'm not in the mod 
for playing games just now.

Sir Robin

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