On Sun, 9 Jun 2002 22:20:28 -0400
"D. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have an SB Live! 5.1, which appears to use the same drivers, and it
> does the same thing. I get sound in the rear speakers.
> Now, I have a question about it...
> This sound in the rear speakers is only mirrored stereo, right? Or is
> it true surround sound (4 speaker) that I get? IE: in games and stuff,
> should I get 4 separate channels of audio?

Technically speaking you get whats called 4.1 Discrete surround sound
environments.  In english it means that each audio "channel" that is
piped to a diff speaker has its own sound coming out of it.

Example:  In a dungeon room, water dripping to your right, your Upper
RIGHT speaker will pipe that sound if its to your upper right in a game.
 With Older technology *IE before the SBLIVE! series* this wasn't
possible.  They "fooled" the ear by piping the same audio to all
channels & muting certains sounds out ... a very wasteful & useless
thing to do because itmeans the cards are working 2x as hard as they
have to.

If you have a 5.1 surround... Bonus!  Because you also get a centre
channel that gives ambient & immediate sound signals your ears will
interepret as "unidirectional" sounds... IE, a bomb blows up in front of
your face, your ear will "hear & see" it as being directly in front of
you as well as the ambient echos going to all the other speakers :).

I envy ya for your sound setup.  My lover has a Hercules XPGamer, comes
with a great breakout box...and she's got a nice soundcard that comes
with it.  Wonderful alternative to SbAudigy cards.  And just has one
plugin on the card for a huge cable to use, the other end hooks up to
the external breakout box.

Heh I hear her games all the way to the 3rd floor of our house.  *sighs


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