On Thursday 20 June 2002 09:32 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

> Please , I have absolutely nothing against the command line,
> I'm just  not experienced with it, and I am the kind of person who
> doesn't have a mind like a telephone directory, and so I have to
> spend a lot of time working out beforehand what commands to store
> on a spare floppy and highlight them, and then middlemouse button
> them to the command line in terminal, however once set up I find
> this is easily the best method of doing things in many cases. So
> yes by all means , I want to learn the commands, but I am also the
> kind of person who likes to get everything working , including gui,
> in apple pie order. Of course Gmplayer is early days yet, but
> coming on.

    Rather than store the commands and then fetch 'em with cut'n 
paste, put them in bashrc as aliases.  If you put them in /etc/bashrc 
they'll be system wide. Put in your users .bashrc, they'll be just 
for that user.

   Example, I use this alias to play all the .avi's and .mpg's in a 
directory (or CD).   alias mpy='mplayer -fs *'   Saves typing it out 
each time, just typing 'mpy' plays all the movies full screen.  Even 
better for longer, more complicated commands.  Just use the form

alias <whatever_you_choose>="<command_to_run>"

    The command needs to be enclosed with either single or double 
quotes. Put your aliases in bashrc at the end of the file after the 
last 'fi'.   Try it, you'll like it ;)
    Tom Brinkman                      Corpus Christi, Texas

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