Braco i sestre nas vapaj za istinom niko ne cuje. Zapadni imerijalisti imaju
soje intrese da nas uniste. Nama je jedino ostalo da skinemo sa sebe sram i
prljavstinu koju nam je stavio ne samo nato zlikavacke horde vec i prodata
dusa jevrejin Djindjic i Svilanovic zajedno sa Dukanovicem i DRASKOVICEM KAO
zloglasne vestice Madlen Olbrait. Vidov dan dolazi ja pozivam sve Srbe kakao
u otadzbini dtako i van otadzbine. Uhvatiti Djindjica i njegove prijatelej
izdajnike i pravo na lomacu ispred skupstine nase otadzbine. Soaliti zive i
onda svi do jednog na Kosovo pa komli opanci a kom li obojci ili vratiti
svje ili nestati Smanjiti muge maltretiranja i ponizenja buducim
generacijama. Bolje nam je da nestanemo nego da sluzimo gorima od sebe.
Dosta nam je tih zlikavaca Turaka Svaba Americkih iperatora a pogotovu
poturica i siptara. Ili cemo nestati ili cemo slobodno ziveti na svojoj
otadzbinskoj zemlji. Americki senatori i kongresmeni nemaju pravo da prodaju
ono sto nije njihovo i niti je na njihovom kontinetu. Braco to je moj poziv
svakom Srpskom zivom bicu. Ako to ne uradimo nas ce sviju ubrzo nestati.
Pogleedajte iz dana u dan po nekliko SDrba nestaje polako ali za sigurno
idemo u ponor bez povratka. Nadam se da cete da prihvatite ovaj moj savet i
da pocnete sa pripremama za dvadeset i osmi juni Vidovdan. Pozdrav svima sa
liste i van liste od cffkale milan kasic.

Miroslav Antic wrote:

> May 15, 2002
> The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
> Chairman
> The Senate Foreign Relations Committee
> 221 Russell Senate Office Building
> Washington, D.C. 20510
> Dear Senator Biden,
> I am writing you in behalf of a large segment of the Serb-American
> community, which the Serbian Unity Congress represents. Our many friends
> and we are deeply troubled and concerned with your recent speech at the
> meeting of the Albanian-American Friendship Society. Reportedly, you
> have
> set forth four conditions for support of the United States of
> Yugoslavia.
> Namely, Yugoslavia must (1) "stop influencing" the Republica Srpska
> entity
> in Bosnia, (2) fulfill its obligations to the Hague Tribunal, (3) stop
> division of the town of Kosovska Mitrovica and stop "negatively
> influencing
> Kosovo" (currently under control of the KFOR and international
> community)
> and (4) publicly apologize for genocide in Kosovo, Croatia and Bosnia.
> If this is correct, the first two conditions are known, the other two
> are
> brand new. Thus, our first question, if we may: are we moving the
> proverbial goal post once again? At what point will we stop re-creating
> preconditions for normal relationship with Serbia?
> Our second question, which indeed profoundly concerns us, deals with the
> matter of apologies. First, it seems, we must place the war for the
> Yugoslav succession in its proper perspective; that is, reputable
> scholars
> have defined it as a civil war. So has the Hague Tribunal itself. Any
> civil war is the worst of wars, witness our own between the North and
> the
> South. In such wars, there are no angels. Our task is to respond with
> integrity and not to use double standards. Violence and murder are
> wrong,
> whether they are "theirs or ours."
> Not far from the Capitol Hill is the Holocaust Museum. It contains
> inconvertible evidence about genocide committed against Serbs in Croatia
> and
> Bosnia by the Independent (Nazi) State of Croatia and Moslem SS Handzar
> division during the 1941-1944 period. The fact of the matter is that
> more
> Serbs were murdered in the death camp of Jasenovac alone in a few years
> than
> the Croatian or Moslem civilians were killed by the Serbs in a few
> centuries!
> Hundreds of thousands of civilians - men, women, children were wantonly
> tortured, murdered, thrown alive into deep mountains pits, burned in
> their
> churches and homes. Possibly close to one million perished. Their only
> guilt
> was that they had been Serbs.
> Now, Senator, it happens that those innocent victims were fathers,
> mothers,
> aunts and uncles, cousins and neighbors of the present-day Serbs of
> Bosnia
> and Croatia who also said: NEVER AGAIN.
> These were Serbs who could not accept Izetbegovic's "Islamic
> Declaration."
> They fought the Bosnian Moslems and al Qaeda mujahedins, as well as the
> resurrected ideology of the Nazi State of Independent Croatia as
> embodied in
> the late President Tudjman.
> Who should start apologizing?
> More Serbs have been ethnically cleansed during 1992-1999 than any other
> group in Yugoslavia.
> By far the largest and most premeditated single action of ethnic
> cleansing
> of the Yugoslav civil war occurred in August of 1995. Croatia expelled
> 200,000 of its citizens of Serbian origin from their ancestral lands in
> Kraina and Slavonia. In the process, many homes were totally destroyed
> and
> civilians murdered.
> Let's look at Kosovo. The KFOR troops entered Kosovo and Metohija in
> June of
> 1999. Since their arrival, over 300,000 Serbs were ethnically cleansed
> from
> their ancestral lands, their homes destroyed and properties looted. More
> than 100 Serbian Orthodox churches and medieval monasteries have been
> razed
> to the ground. Official statistics reveal that Albanian extremists have
> murdered approximately 2,000 Serbs. This is apparently more than the
> number
> of Albanians died in fighting prior to and during the NATO intervention.
> All this is well documented by international agencies involved with
> Kosovo.
> To put all this in the proper context and historical perspective, I wish
> to
> ask just one more question, Senator: when peace comes over the
> smoldering
> ruins of the present-day Israel and Palestine, whom do you think you
> will
> ask to apologize?
> I know that you are extremely busy. Nonetheless, considering the gravity
> and
> far-reaching impact of these matters, we would indeed appreciate your
> reply
> and the opportunity to learn more about your views.
> Sincerely yours,
> Michael Djordjevich
> President
> Serbian Unity Congress
> cc: Members of the Foreign Relations
> Committee, United States Senate
> -----
> May 20, 2002
> The Honorable Colin L. Powell
> Secretary of State
> United States Department of State
> 2201 C Street, N.W.
> Washington, D.C. 20520
> Dear Mr. Secretary,
> We understand that Mr. Bajram Redzepi, the leader of the Provincial
> Assembly
> of Kosovo will be visiting with you this week. Among many important
> issues,
> such as international smuggling of drugs, trafficking in humans and
> economic
> aid, we have no doubt that the future status of the province will be the
> key
> topic of discussions.
> The United States engagement in the Balkans during the past decade
> provides
> a textbook illustration of the dangers of short-term crisis management.
> What began as emergency diplomatic reaction escalated to controversial
> armed
> intervention and lives on as an open-ended commitment to "nation
> building."
> We believe that President Bush and you wish to reorient our policy in
> the
> Balkans and to bring our commitment to a level commensurate with our
> rational interest in the region. Nonetheless, we hasten to point out
> that
> there is a host of unresolved and vexing issues left over from the
> Clinton-Albright policy mismanagement in the region. Self-sustaining and
> durable regional stability remains a worthy albeit difficult and elusive
> objective. The future of Kosovo is at the center of this problem.
> The current state of affairs in Kosovo is far from normal. In fact, it
> is
> rather dismal. Since arrival of the KFOR troops to the province in June
> of
> 1999, over 250,000 Serbs and other ethnic minorities have been
> ethnically
> cleansed from their ancestral lands, their homes destroyed and
> properties
> looted. More than 100 Serbian Orthodox churches and medieval monasteries
> have been razed to the ground. Official statistics reveal that Albanian
> extremists murdered close to 2,000 Serbs, while 1,600 are still missing.
> Serbian monasteries and a few remaining villages resemble fortifications
> guarded by the KFOR around the clock. There has been no return of
> refugees,
> while guarantees of basic human rights are non-existent. Moreover,
> Kosovo
> continues to be a growing European cancer of criminality.
> There can be no serious and responsible discussion of the Kosovo problem
> without dealing with the issue of the "Greater Albania." Succinctly, the
> idea of a "Greater Albania" is essentially a nationalistic construct.
> Its
> driving energies spring from the Albanian vision of their ethnic borders
> and
> territories "Albanianized" by Albanian settlers during past century. The
> first successful implementation of this concept took place in 1941, when
> a
> "Greater Albania" was created as a fascist Italian protectorate and
> lasted
> until the defeat of the Axis forces. As in the recent case after the
> intervention, the Albanians forcibly expelled the non-Albanian
> population
> from the areas of their control during the World War II. The current
> drive
> for an independent and a monoethnic Kosovo, therefore, is nothing but a
> phase in the process leading to fulfillment of a nationalistic dream.
> Since
> the Albanians will not accept the death of this dream, the problem seems
> to
> be insolvable.
> The Albanians must be unequivocally told that continuing the quest for a
> "Greater Albania" would permanently destabilize the region, as it would
> demand redrawing the borders of Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece
> and,
> very likely, Bosnia. The United States should encourage reasonable
> leaders
> on all sides of the issue to understand that differences must be settled
> by
> negotiations rather than force. The overall goal should be
> self-sustaining
> regional stabilization leading to democratic consolidation and economic
> revival.
> Sincerely,
> Michael Djordjevich
> President
> Serbian Unity Congress
>                                    Serbian News Network - SNN
>                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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