Hello Dirk,

I am helping Carlos deal with the comments with the section that I wrote (4.10 
testing). I’d like to try to understand the comment you made below for page 25. 
I’ll try to explain what I am trying to say, and maybe we can converge.

IMO most of the text is true in any test case and very general (not VNF 
specific) as “The only variables in the testing should be those controlling the 
SUT itself”
… the workload type the expected VNF will be => … the workload type the 
expected VNF will be characterized by [?]

“The only variables in the testing should be those controlling the SUT itself”

The whole point here is that the SUT (VNF in the discussion in the document) is 
not isolated from an environment in the case of NFV. The environment, that I 
call “test environment” in the document, in the case of a VNF under test, is 
the NVFI and MANO. You can’t test the VNF without those components being 
present, so the only thing you can do is to control the test environment (MANO 
+ NFVI) such that it is constant. You should only modify configurations related 
to the SUT (VNF in this case). This is a major difference with PNF testing, and 
that’s been acknowledged in other bodies as well (ETSI NFV for example)

the workload type the expected VNF will be => … the workload type the expected 
VNF will be characterized by [?]

A VNF will have a certain workload type. It will be control plane, or packet 
forwarding, or encryption, for example. The point is to identify the nature of 
the workload, in order to determine the metrics that should be measured in a 
performance test of the NFVI. That will become the characterization metrics. 
That’s the thought process. That will become the metrics used for NFVI 



On Jun 9, 2017, at 9:41 AM, 
dirk.von-h...@telekom.de<mailto:dirk.von-h...@telekom.de> wrote:

Dear authors, all
I have read the 05 version and think the document is nearly ready for 
publication – provided some nits are corrected and clarifications addressed. In 
the following I tried to not repeat what has already been said earlier – sorry 
in case I didn’t succeed ;-/

load- aware => load-aware

requires of complex => requires complex

In addition to the these interactions => In addition to these interactions
with each oter? etc. => with each other? etc.

SR-IOV, NUMA, DPDK, etc : Should the acronyms be explained?

looked as well. => looked at as well.


a battery life thousands of times longer compared to => a battery life time 
exceeding by a factor of thousands that of
if this new market provides performance that are adequate with => if the new 
business model enables performance that meets  [?]
The widespread of system and network virtualization technologies => The 
widespread use/discussion/practice of system and network virtualization 
is responsible of the reliability => is responsible for the reliability

situations in which an VNO requires => situations in which a VNO requires
protocol proposed by the WEBPUSH WG => add reference here: [RFC8030] ?
to rely on specific adatpation mechanisms => to rely on specific adaptation 
An specific example can be => A specific example can be

network, not necessary on the direct data path => network, not necessarily on 
the direct data path

administrative domain controlled by an operator => administrative domain 
controlled by (exactly) one operator
Especially, if each data center is protected => This holds true/this is the 
case in particular, if each data center is protected [no complete sentence 
otherwise IMO]

IMO most of the text is true in any test case and very general (not VNF 
specific) as “The only variables in the testing should be those controlling the 
SUT itself”
… the workload type the expected VNF will be => … the workload type the 
expected VNF will be characterized by [?]

collection of new functionality / set of functionality => collection of new 
functionalities / set of functionalities [?]

Thanks and Best Regards
From: Nfvrg [mailto:nfvrg-boun...@irtf.org<mailto:nfvrg-boun...@irtf.org>] On 
Behalf Of Diego R. Lopez
Sent: 28 April 2017 18:14
To: nfvrg@irtf.org<mailto:nfvrg@irtf.org>
Subject: [Nfvrg] Research Group Preparation (a.k.a. "Last Call") for 


As discussed and agreed in our meeting in Chicago, this message is to open the 
equivalent of a last-call for our draft on NFV research challenges 
 Note I use the term “equivalent to last-call”, as the IRTF process described 
in RFC 5743 uses the term “Research Group Preparation”. Let me remind you the 
summarized IRTF process as described in RFC 5743:

   o  The Research Group (RG) performs a thorough technical and

      editorial review of the document and agrees it should be


   o  The Internet Research Steering Group (IRSG) reviews the document

      and approves it for publication.

   o  The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) reviews the

      document to assure that there are no conflicts with current or

      expected standardization activities.

   o  The document is submitted to the RFC Editor for publication.

So we are starting the first step above, and all of you are encouraged to 
review the document and share your comments and opinions about moving it 
forward towards publication. Since it is advisable to put a deadline for this 
kind of process, let’s go for a one month period, that is until the 28th May.

Be goode,

"Esta vez no fallaremos, Doctor Infierno"

Dr Diego R. Lopez
Telefonica I+D

e-mail: diego.r.lo...@telefonica.com<mailto:diego.r.lo...@telefonica.com>
Tel:    +34 913 129 041<tel:+34%20913%2012%2090%2041>
Mobile: +34 682 051 091<tel:+34%20682%2005%2010%2091>


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