Sounds like a great trip.  I did a trip through Canada on a 82 650 and
had a great time.  I'd love to have the power and comfort of the 750.

1 - Bags:  I have a pair of Nelson Riggs (I think) that I've taken on
a couple of tours.  They're canvas and are larger than most
available.  I think I paid $80 for them on eBay.  If you're interested
I can send you a picture and we can talk about price.  They're just
gathering dust in my garage.  After my first trip I packed a change of
cloths for each day in a Gallon vip-lock bag.  This did two things,
they stayed dry even in the biggest rain storm and each day, if it was
safe, I left my bags on the bike and only brought in the next days
cloths and my necessities.  It's easier to get in and out.

2 - In a tank bag or a dry bag strapped to the seat behind you keep
your rain gear and a warm jacket for night time when the riding is
done.  You never know when you'll need it.

3 - Windshield:  A lot of us have a SlipStreamer like eBay Item
number: 140759276505.  It's great for daily commuting and is much
better than nothing.  You might look at something bigger but then you
get less wind and I don't think rain will be that big of a problem for

4- Rain gear: FroggToggs.  Get the two piece set.  They last for ever,
are gortex so they breath and will keep you dry.  eBay Item number:
150823353178 is an example.  I've been in major horizontal rain and
been kept dry in these and not overheating in Hawaii.

5 - If you have the stock seat I'd think about upgrading if possible.

6 - If you haven't already done so I'd plan a 250+ mile day trip just
to get a feeling for a long day.

When I traveled I'd get up around 6, eat a granola bar, drink a big
cup of water and hit the road.  Breakfast was around 8 / 8:30 when I
came across a place that looked good.  I'd have between 100 and 150
miles done by then, depending on how many stops I made along the way.
It makes it really easy to cover big distances and you don't have to
worry about running out of daylight.

I always stop for lunch breakfast and lunch for 45 minutes to an
hour.  Longer if I like the place.  Hopefully some local road side
place or a Denny's type place if I have to.  Taking an hour to relax,
hydrate and plan out the next leg was really helpful.

When you come into smaller towns look for the visitors center if they
have one.  Most small towns do.  They'll set you up with the right
Hotel or B&B.  The best place I stayed on all of my trips are the ones
that I didn't plan and just rolled into a town looking for a place to

That's a brain dump of my thoughts from my tours.  I'm sure other
folks in the group will have even better ideas.

Have a great time and update us as you go.

Aloha, Sean

On May 24, 11:34 am, surfswab <> wrote:
> I'd advise sunscreen and a lot of water.
> Especially water.  Dehydration is a very real danger in that part of
> the world, given the heat, the climate and the wind you'll be dealing
> with.
> Sip it frequently, even if you're not thirsty.  Failure to stay
> hydrated can lead to extreme fatigue, even hallucinations and
> unconsciousness (!)  Avoid caffeine (coffee, cokes, energy drinks --
> they are diuretics).
> You might consider a camelback rig (a bladder with sipping tube you
> wear like a backpack).
> That's a helluva trip.  I've done it many times, in the cab of a big
> rig, but never on a motorcycle.  Good luck with it.
> On May 24, 3:41 pm, MJB_LBC <> wrote:
> > Thought I would share with the group, I'm planning a road trip with my 750
> > Nighthawk from Long Beach, CA to San Antonio, TX, 1300 miles, mostly Rte 10.
> > Probably leaving first week of June.
> > I have driven across the country several times, but this will be my first
> > trip by motorcycle.
> > Will start with a fresh oil change, tires are in good shape, have my AMA
> > card.
> > I'm searching for bags and a good windshield on several sites right now.
> > Just looking for any advice, tips, etc.
> > (I guess I'm really hoping there will be Nighthawk group members along the
> > route to invite me in for beers and pizza!)

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