Brian, thanks for bringing some balance back into this "debate".

I second your sentiments.

For those list members who feel so strongly about how Nikon (reps or otherwise)
is NOT doing a good job then my advice is get rid of anything Nikon and go with
someone else. If I felt so strongly as some of you seem to there is NO WAY I
would keep the gear.

Otherwise, stop all the ranting, raving, hearsay, and personal attacks on
others, pick the particular area/s of Nikon that you are unhappy with and try to
do something CONSTRUCTIVE to fix it. Bitching to this list is not going to solve

Rob in Perth, West Australia

From: "Brian Mckinnon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [5] Re: Nikon the company?

--- snipped ---

Nikon products are unsurpassed in their ruggedness, reliability and
manufacturing quality standard, They are renown for their metering, flash
exposure, lenses and product compatability. It could be argued that they
should have this or they should have that but you could argue that others
should have some of the things that Nikon offer in their cameras.

If Nikon were as non reactive as you indicate and uncaring of what consumers
want they would be more like some european manufacturers who offer high quality
but with much less inovative technology. IE you wouldnt have the F5.

B Mckinnon

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