Nikkor AF 85/1.8D vs. AF 85/1.4D

I am happy owner of Nikkor AF 85/1.8D. However, sometimes even f/1.8 is not
fast enough for available light. Hence I am considering to invest in AF
85/1.4 (2/3 stop faster). 
I would appreciate first hand experience comparison or test of this two
lenses WIDE OPEN. I’m particularly interested in sharpness (to be more
precise: resolution), contrast, vigneting and distortion when they are wide
open. I’m not interested in stop-down performance (85/1.8D is beautiful
closed at f/5.6).
And please do not suggest me to switch to faster film. I am already at the
edge, using ISO 800 or pushed to 1600, for 25x30cm enlargements.

Zeljko Kardum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Zagreb Stock Exchange, Ksaver 208, Zagreb, CROATIA
phone (++385) 1 46 77 925; fax: 46 77 680

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