At 09:00 AM 11/19/98 +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Subject: re:F5 leader left out [13]  [4]
>>A simple, but skill requiring method of leaving the leader out on the
>>F5 is to release your finger from rewind button 2 ( the one on the
>>eft top plate) as the film gets to the end. I have tried this and
>>find I can be quite precise. However, I still think it is easier to
>>use my Ilford film retriever thingy- it only takes 10 seconds to get
>>the leader out using this.
>Using a film retriever is a lot safer too. I fogged the first 4 frames
>on a roll this weekend trying to leave the leader out. It's a real
>trick to get it just right.

Actually, this is one reason the manual rewind is on the camera.  You push in
the #1 release then crank it back until you feel the film pop off the spool. 
It is 100% reliable, no fogging since there is a distinct feel when the film
comes off the spool. 

If you over crank, then you can use the leader retriever later, but it really
is a simple skill to master.  


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