>>What about a "Nikon in movies" survey? 

First I think we Nikon lovers have something in common with BMW lovers! 
Both tries to spot Nikons and BMW's in movies and are so detailed!

Croc-a-dial (that's how my 21 mth old boy pronounces it) Dundee.  The girl
is Linda Kozlowski and she used a Canon.

Can anyone confirm the old Kit Kat advert of a photographer trying to take
pixs of the dancing Pandas was a Nikon FM/E series?  Also didn't Tracy
Lords use a Nikon in her last movie (G rated one that is) - title I forget,
but I do remember that she was shooting with at very long lens with no
flash and hand held in the middle of the night!  She must have rock steady

Have fun watching more movies!

Kwok Shiung

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