Subject: FM2 v FM2N [8]

>I think the FM2 has a titanium shutter while the FM2N has an aluminum
shutter.  I always assumed this was a cost-cutting
>change but don't know that for a fact.  Does anyone know?

Yes I believe that is a fact. It was even "admitted" by Nikon reps, further
they also claim that titanium manufacturing was not environmentally

The very first FM2 was introduced with titanium shutters and flash was sync
at 200.  The FM2 was "improved" a couple of years later with a flash sync
at 250, but still using titanium shutters.  This cameras can be identified
with 7XXXXXX serial numbers.

The third and current batch of FM2's spots alloy shutters and flash sync
remains at 250.  This model is commonly known and referred to as the FM2N
and can be identified by N 8XXXXXX serial numbers.

BTW the focusing screens for the FM2 and FM2N are DIFFERENT.  Anyone knows
if the prism mirrors are the same?


Kwok Shiung

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