Dear Nikon List members,

For the past few days, my city (Columbia, SC) has been bathed in a haze in
the evenings. Some of the buildings around the University campus looked
gorgeous when there is a swirling wispy haze around them. It isn't dense
like fog or smog. Just wispy, like a match just went out.

I would like to get some pictures of the buildings at night. All the
lighting seems to be fluorescent (Mercury vapor lamps, I think). I would
like to capture the mysterious effect that the haze brings out, so I
obviously shouldn't use a haze filter. Any filters for the lighting ?

What should I meter off of ? Any suggestions would be helpful.


Lazlo's Relativity Axiom: No matter how great your triumphs or how tragic
your defeats - approximately one billion Chinese couldn't care less.

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