well, i guess most N90s/F90X users have noticed that nikon has not
done anything to improve their rubber coating on these cameras backs. 
no matter what back you have, standard, MF-25, or MF-26, you will
sooner or later have its very thin rubber coating, (looks like latex)
peeled.  it's the same thing used for the F50/N50 grip and the F70/N70
back.  i hope nikon comes up with a more durable coating.  I don't
really mind if they just made it with textured plastic or with the
same coating as the F5 or the 80-200 2.8D. so to david and the rest of
you guys with a peeling back problem, don't think of it as a problem. 
my only advice is to let it peel, clean it up, and keep on shooting. 
...better concentrate on your pictures than on taking good care of
your peeling back.


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