>I've heard of a problem with the rubber coating on the N90s peeling off
>after a couple of months of normal use. Is this still a problem with
>this camera?

I have not had a problem with the coat on the camera back peeling, it just
sort of wore off in a few spots, like it was rubbing against my belt buckle
or something (no, I am not a cowboy, I just like big belt buckles).  I did
have a bit of a problem with the rubber casing on the front of the camera,
near the mode buttons and all.  It kind of pulled out of there, and now
just sticks out a bit.  All this was after a few months of normal use.
But, it is worthwhile to note that after it got in the condition it did, it
didn't get any worse or cause any other problems.

Good shooting,

Ed Kaspar

Ed's Photos of Japan
Photos of traditional Japan, including free
wallpaper downloads and virtual postcards

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