Kwok Shiung wroter in digest V4 #133:
> I am getting the F70 to use as an expensive point and shoot
> camera!  
> Armed with a 28-200mm, it a great traveling and kiddy shoot
> camera.  Anything more serious, I am taking out my FM2 or EL!

Your statement begs the question, "Can't travel and kiddie shots be
serious subjects?"  :)

Getting sharp, natural looking candid photos of my twin 20 month olds
and my five year is serious business!!! Especially shots of all three
together...  IMHO, auto focus, matrix metering/fill flash is essential
for success. The N70 does not cost much more than the FM2N and does have
techonolgical advances which can be selectively used or turned off for
your "serious" work.  I personally use the F70 mainly in Aperture
priority and sometimes in shiftable program mode.

One man's seriousness is another man's folly... and the N70 can be used
for either.
For "really  serious" subjects, like birds in flight, race horses.. I
bring out my F5.  :)

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