The Nikon AF20-35mm f/2.8 is a superb optic and is in most ways as good as the
fixed Nikons that is "replaces".  However being a zoom it still is more flair
prone and does not focus as closely as a fixed lens.  Yes, this is mainly a
lens for sports and Photojournalism.  I tried it out when it first came out
and found it excellent, but I didn't get one because I regularly focus closer
than it's limit of 2 feet and prefer a smaller, less obvious lens to work
with.  The flair question did enter my mind as well as I often work in
situations that can cause flair.  I do 90% of my general assignment work with
2 N90s bodies, one with a 24mm f/2.8 and another with an 85mm f/1.8 and a 50mm
f/1.4 in a waist bag.  Small differences in position from the subject is all
that is required when working close to the subject, as I do.  Many editors
have commented upon reviewing my film, on my "good use of different lenses"
when I was only using those 3 fixed lenses.  One day I will get a 20-35mm zoom
as a great back-up and for odd situations, like aerial photography, but I
don't miss having one in my daily arsenal.

Jonathan Castner

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