Dear John,

I have an N70, an F3 and an SB-16 with both an AS-8 for the F3 and an AS-9
for the N70.  First of all, although the SB-16 is not as technologically
advanced as the current flashes, it is probably one of the best flashes
ever made. It is very sturdy and most importantly the second head is just
wonderful. Indoors, I either use bounce flash or the Lumiquest
bouncer/diffuser, giving virtually no harsh shadows, but because of the
second head, a bright sparkle in the eyes of the subject.

You definately want the AS-9 for the N70. With TTL you get very efficient
and accurate flash in all modes, direct, bounce, and fill. It would be
absolutely foolish to give this up. The AS-9 is about $110 at B&H. You
could probably sell your other foot if you don't have an F3, and make up
some of the money that way.

Good luck,

Steve Zell

Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 12:54:00 -0800
From: "Thomas, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sb16 questions (and N70) ... [v04.n207/3]
Message: 3

Hi All,

I was visiting a local shop last night, and saw for sale a used SB16
(labelled exactly as such, ie, not SB16A or SB16B) for what appeared to
be a good price. It's obviously got the F3 style foot; if I've done my
research right, it looks like I can use either an AS-6 or an AS-9
adaptor and use this flash with my N70.

Has anyone used either combo?  Are there drawbacks to using one adaptor
over the other (the AS6 is about 1/3rd the price of the AS9)?  It looks
like (at least with the AS6) that I'd lose TTL flash.  In practical
terms, what does this mean?  What else would I lose?

As background info:  N70 body, 3 prime (1 'D') and 1 zoom lens (also
'D'), I shoot mainly scenic/touristy/landscape kinds of photos, for
which the builtin flash works really pretty well (esp as fill); but for
people shots, it really s*cks (redeye, the flash is too close to the
axis of the lens).

Thanks in advance ...
(who doesn't speak for intel)

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