> Subject: Film and Lens for people photos [6]
        > Is it the film or the partially the lens also 
        > that affects contrast?  I use a 28-200 (which I 
        > bought for travel photos).  Would a fixed lens
        > help or a larger ap. like 80-200 f/2.8?   

        I haven't used the 28-200 much (I think my sister has one --
        I'll have to check it out), but in general, zooms tend to have 
        lower contrast than primes because the greater number of 
        elements increases flare, and the more compact zooms tend
        to suffer the worst.  If your flash is spilling light back towards 
        the camera, I'd suspect the lens.

        See if hanging a blanket or something between the flash and
        the lens improves your contrast.  If it does, then lens flare
        is the culprit.  

        Since you're happy with the 28-200mm for outdoor shots, 
        I'd pass on the 80-200mm and consider picking up either 
        an 85mm or 105mm prime.


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