Has anyone ever tried to replace the rubber coating on the
back of the N90?  It appears to be a low-gloss clear paint,
kind of like a matte protective coating you would spray
on photos.

The reason for the peeling is obvious to anyone who has
ever done auto body painting:  The plastic finish underneath
the coating is too smooth.  There is now way for the coating
to adhere to a finish that smooth.  If the underlying surface
were rougher (ultrafine sandpaper would do the trick), the
coating would likely stick just fine.

I would like to attempt this test, but my N90 only has the SB26,
and I don't want to risk ruining that on the first try.  Does someone
have a poor-condition standard N90 back, that I could buy cheaply?
Please reply directly via email,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

don ferrario

>>Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 03:59:03 -0800 (PST)
>>From: carlo guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: peeling back on N90s [23]
>>well, i guess most N90s/F90X users have noticed that nikon has not
>>done anything to improve their rubber coating on these cameras backs. 
>>no matter what back you have, standard, MF-25, or MF-26, you will
>>sooner or later have its very thin rubber coating, (looks like latex)

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