> Hi Nikoners.

> I am planning to buy a new flash for an F5/F90x, and I have
> difficulties to decide between the SB-28 and the Metz 40 MZ3.
> From the Metz I like the ruggedness (my feel is that the SB-28
> is not so well build as the Metz) and the "one function-one button"
> interface design (the interface of the SB-28 reminds me the
> F70). Actually, the only reason why I am not fully decided towards
> the Metz is the lack of FP synchronization. I would like to know
> the opinion of people who have used both flashes. How comfortable
> is the interface of the SB-28? How about its ruggedness? Does it
> really saves as many energy as the Nikon advertisement says?

> And, from the Metz, has anyone ear something about a new SCA
> adaptator with FP included?

At your place I will not go to Metz products, The electronic is weak, since
i go from SB 24 to Metz  in 1995 all the following things happend to me:

40 Mz 2 bought in january 1995, i have got 200$ reparation in november 97
(mechanic &electronic problems)

Power pack P 40 (for 40 Mz 2), bought in april 96 first problems in
october97, reparation under warranty, second time in august 98: standard
exchange after 3 monthes of tractations

50 MZ 5 bought in january 95, works good until october 98 after i got
electronic problems result: more than 200$ of reparation costs

Power pack P 50  bought in may 96  reparation under warranty after a few

All these problems happened when I needed my flashes by this way I lost not
only the money to repare it but also the money of the slides I was unable
to do and sell because of the flash failure. Now every time I use this
materiel, I feel stressed because I don't know when the next problem will

Actually I try to sell all this  Metz material  to go back to Nikon flashes
because  SU 4, (the TTL cordless was the reason I go to Metz products).

I don't want to be all negative, after my experience light with metz
Flashes is excellent, the second little flash is very useful(40 &50 Mz have
both a secondary flash by this way you can work with  indirect light
(reflector) with the main head and direct light with the secondary head
(ore both indirect) and that with a single flash.(it was the solution I use
when my 50 MZ 5 failed in october)

hope this help, sorry for my poor english

C. Koenig photography
Chemin des Cottages 2
CH - 1007 Lausanne
phone ++ 41 - 21 626 23 73

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